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Barn Owl Box

The barn owl box incoprates the best design with the best materials, to give you long term success. 

The box is made from an eco friendly recycled plastic and the screws are made from stainless steel to give longevity and peace of mind.

The classic design means the owls have enough room inside to rear a full brood and the height of the entrance hole means the owlets can't jump out accidently too soon. Also the addition of a front porch lets the adult land and takeoff with ease, with critical edging to stop owlets walking off. 

The sliding side door offers plenty of room to monitor and clean the box without any tricky or complicated latches when your up a ladder. 



Barn Owl Box


Wood chipping (bedding material)



Barn Owl Box

  • - Large internal chamber for big broods.


    - Made from eco friendly plastic and stainless steel screws for longevity.


    -Sliding door offers easy access for monitoring and cleaning.


    - Ventilation holes to allow air circulation


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